UCFFool: Once Upon a Time, Belle - DreamingEgos (facebook)
UCFFool: Once Upon a Time, Snow White - Rebecca
UCFFool: Steampunk - Anonymous
UCFFool: Klingon - Bruce, Kavij Vendix Siren
UCFFool: Wreck-It Ralph - Erin Card, Josh Whitby, Colleen Fannin, Kahlan Long
UCFFool: Rise of the Guardians, Jack Frost - by Colleen Fannin
UCFFool: Firefly, Jayne - Anonymous
UCFFool: Robot Chicken, Humping Robot - HumpingRobot (facebook)
UCFFool: Robot Chicken, Washing Machine - HumpingRobot (facebook)
UCFFool: Dr Fisk of the Denver Ghostbusters
UCFFool: Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Madoka Kaname - Anonymous
UCFFool: Hell Girl - Anonymous
UCFFool: Doctor Who, The 11th Doctor - Anonymous
UCFFool: Wolverine - Anonymous
UCFFool: Wonder Woman - Anonymous
UCFFool: Starfleet Officer Samuel Tallent - Anonymous
UCFFool: original character - Peter Trench
UCFFool: Joker and Harley Quinn - Anonymous
UCFFool: Original, Cross between Nemesis from Resident Evil and Chatterer from HellRaiser - Anonymous
UCFFool: Pokemon, Lugia and shadow Lugia - Verlis and CanineHybrid
UCFFool: Pokemon, Milotic - luvcatt