Berkeley Study Abroad: The Demiliarised Zone
Berkeley Study Abroad: Chaning of the Guard at Gyong-bok-gum Palace
Berkeley Study Abroad: Seoul Ancient Royal Korean Palace
Berkeley Study Abroad: Daniel and Jessica Park at Northern South Korea Waterfall
Berkeley Study Abroad: 38th Parallel
Berkeley Study Abroad: Tae Kwon Do Demonstration
Berkeley Study Abroad: No Halloween
Berkeley Study Abroad: Cultural Shrine in Seoul, Korea
Berkeley Study Abroad: The snowy slopes of Seoul, Korea
Berkeley Study Abroad: Nightscape. Seoul's apartment forest.
Berkeley Study Abroad: Kiyomi and a Very Large Bell in Seoul.
Berkeley Study Abroad: Vacationing in Seoul, Korea
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Berkeley Study Abroad: 247435_10100468397389683_1244352_58730170_1438442_n
Berkeley Study Abroad: Capturing My Heart and Seoul