UCBA: queen
UCBA: A package of Betterbee bees - May 2008
UCBA: Installing the bees - May 2008
UCBA: Queen and bees installed - May 2008
UCBA: sweet little italian girls hanging out.
UCBA: Fall (humid day) ladies hanging out on Mary's Hive.
UCBA: Natural comb drawn out from center strip
UCBA: Some capped worker brood
UCBA: Horizontal strip drawn out natural comb
UCBA: Drawn out comb.
UCBA: Queen Mary
UCBA: Our first frame of Honey - August 2008
UCBA: Beeing Young, growing, and attending
UCBA: lovely ladies of west saugerties.
UCBA: Late season foragers, trick or treating mid day.
UCBA: Closing up the girls for the season: अनाहत