Ubtcmdr: I am not this old
Ubtcmdr: Please no Pictures
Ubtcmdr: Oldest
Ubtcmdr: Father and son
Ubtcmdr: I'm sure it is an endangered species
Ubtcmdr: Indian marker
Ubtcmdr: Panther Gap
Ubtcmdr: Swinging Lick gap
Ubtcmdr: The famous sign
Ubtcmdr: Three Amigos
Ubtcmdr: Where we came out
Ubtcmdr: How are we going to get all this stuff in there
Ubtcmdr: 5400 ft up
Ubtcmdr: The other view
Ubtcmdr: Stop to look at the view
Ubtcmdr: You earn these views
Ubtcmdr: We are not lost
Ubtcmdr: Machette Mn
Ubtcmdr: You never know who you will meet
Ubtcmdr: Time for a nap
Ubtcmdr: Beautiful Setting
Ubtcmdr: Comfy
Ubtcmdr: Made it to the first shelter
Ubtcmdr: I knew I should have read the manual before I came
Ubtcmdr: The fun part will be getting down
Ubtcmdr: I must have said something funny
Ubtcmdr: The new Wayah shelter
Ubtcmdr: Its a long way to Tip a rair E