ubrayj02: Alex Thompson not entertained during wait for LABikePlan to be heard before council
ubrayj02: Union members and people from Vernon crowd council chambers on March 1, 2011
ubrayj02: LABikePlan Ted Rogers of Bicycling in LA blog fame on deck for the day's proceedings in City Hall
ubrayj02: LAbikeplan Alexis Lantz of LACBC hatching planz for domination
ubrayj02: LAbikeplan Councilman Ed Reyes hitting it out of the park for the cycling community
ubrayj02: LABikePlan Councilman Bill Rosendahl egged Alex Thompson and befriended Alex Baum after vote to approve LAbikeplan
ubrayj02: Batavus BuB and one of Bicycle Fixation's beauties under City Hall South for LAbikeplan
ubrayj02: BPIT in Room 720 of Los Angeles City Hall
ubrayj02: BPIT Allison Manos of LACBC
ubrayj02: BPIT Rick Risemberg and Alexis Lantz study Planning Dept. flowchart for bike projects
ubrayj02: BPIT Planning Dept flow chart of bike project approval
ubrayj02: BPIT Lumovision - LACBC bottle, LADOT Bikeways engineer head, crowded room, Bike Blog Chris
ubrayj02: BPIT Engineers
ubrayj02: BPIT Alex Thompson of Bikeside, Jill Sourial, Ed Reyes' Office, Joe Linton, CicLAvia (and a bunch of other stuff)
ubrayj02: BPIT Michelle Mowery, Sr. Bike Coordinator at LADOT
ubrayj02: BPIT Clarie Bowin and associate
ubrayj02: Stephen Box checks Jay Slater's laptop at the July BPIT in City Hall
ubrayj02: July 2011 BPIT Meeting in City Hall