E. Bartholomew: A professional
E. Bartholomew: See-saw
E. Bartholomew: Mattresses
E. Bartholomew: A squirrel finds a treat
E. Bartholomew: Color coordinated junk
E. Bartholomew: Basketball hoop
E. Bartholomew: Kid stuff
E. Bartholomew: Junk diggin' dog
E. Bartholomew: TV and stuff
E. Bartholomew: A nice pile
E. Bartholomew: A little picked over
E. Bartholomew: Josh testing a seed spreader
E. Bartholomew: Wicker
E. Bartholomew: Heads made of clay
E. Bartholomew: Mirror
E. Bartholomew: Long cardboard tube over the street
E. Bartholomew: Dog on wheels
E. Bartholomew: Fellow finder friend Ed with an Encyclopedia
E. Bartholomew: Selling ice-cream, or looking for junk?
E. Bartholomew: Gift box made for fancy Champagne
E. Bartholomew: Digging through a bag