Ualani: That's a lot of rain!
Ualani: ...but apparently they had better things to do
Ualani: I spent $7.49 on a cup of ladybugs to take are of these aphids that suddenly took over my kale plants...
Ualani: ace tomatoes i just bought - these are SO good
Ualani: rose bush gong nuts
Ualani: pink rose bush - bent sideways
Ualani: pink rose bush - shoots taking off
Ualani: the wall of roses
Ualani: onions gina gave me to eat ... saved the ends and they grew so quickly
Ualani: an onion that started to grow
Ualani: wanted to straighten out this kale tree but there is only so much i can bend it
Ualani: sowbugs... i spent about 15 minutes pulling them out of the compost
Ualani: the cabbage and chard have seen better days
Ualani: just straightened out the kale tree - easier when it's dehydrated
Ualani: where i planted yams
Ualani: weed that looks like it would be nutritious but i'm not gonna chance it
Ualani: i wish this weed was edible... it just looks way too prickly to tackle
Ualani: bert - helping with the yardwork
Ualani: weed leaves that would hurt to grab
Ualani: oxalis - survival of the fittest weed
Ualani: annoying tree weeds cut down and sprayed inside mock orange bush
Ualani: annoying weeds growing through mock orange
Ualani: argh obnoxious weed i hate growing through bushes
Ualani: butterfly on encelia
Ualani: butterfly on encelia 2
Ualani: double headed encelia
Ualani: encelia and lantana
Ualani: encelia head that broke off
Ualani: encelia heads that broke off when i moved it- bummer
Ualani: encelia with two heads