Ualani: line to rent boats
Ualani: about to paddle
Ualani: pelicans by paddle boats
Ualani: i have never been this close to a pelican
Ualani: row row row your boat
Ualani: audrey in canoe
Ualani: pelican diving for food
Ualani: birds at shoreline lake
Ualani: birds at shoreline lake 2
Ualani: birds at shoreline lake 3
Ualani: some birds just like to live on the edge
Ualani: robbie touching the net
Ualani: having lots and lots of fun on the paddle boat
Ualani: me on a paddle boat
Ualani: my exercise today - paddle boats are a killer workout for your legs
Ualani: me and the pelican
Ualani: this kid was really nice
Ualani: cool old car at shoreline lake
Ualani: crappy picture of ground squirrel but i had to take at least one