Ualani: colin going, what the ----?
Ualani: where i parked (and got towed from)
Ualani: P4210141
Ualani: papers showing us where to get the car, etc
Ualani: it was almost comical how a cop gave us a ticket while we were trying to resolve the towing issue. what are the odds it would just happen to be the 1st tuesday of the month between 12:30 and 3:30...
Ualani: still waiting for the guy to release my car...
Ualani: towyard - where we can't park on the inside of the fence
Ualani: yep, parking for employees only
Ualani: the towing office
Ualani: this is where colin parked the car, just like everyone else did. little did we know you're not supposed to park here on the 1st and last tues. of the month. the cop was also giving a ticket to a cab driver who was in his car!
Ualani: normal towing fees - luckily they got reduced and the fees for the release were waived