uacescomm: Lonoke County-IMG_2435 copy
uacescomm: All three with sign-IMG_2471
uacescomm: Padgett-North-JHolloway-Hambrick-IMG_2436 copy
uacescomm: Jarrod Haines Woodruff-IMG_2431 copy
uacescomm: Hayes-Selby Best-intern-Desha Co Daniel Livingston-agent-IMG_2459 copy
uacescomm: Borgononi-IMG_2401 copy
uacescomm: Chicot Co Kurt Beaty-IMG_2477 copy
uacescomm: Brady-Felix-Nacho-IMG_2507 copy
uacescomm: Haller IDing Water weevil damage IMG_2497 copy
uacescomm: Harmon-Felix Smart-seventh-farmer in training Nacho-Palmerin-IMG_2508 copy
uacescomm: Holloway stage ID IMG_2351 copy
uacescomm: JeffCo Brady Harmon Rice stage Identificcation IMG_2504 copy
uacescomm: ralph and Felix Smart 7th-joint movement in rice IMG_2510 copy