UA Dept. of Art & Art History: Nathan Childers, Moments in the Woods, courtesy of the artist
UA Dept. of Art & Art History: Nathan Childers, Ready to be Pressed, courtesy of the artist
UA Dept. of Art & Art History: Nathan Childers, Somewhere I Find Myself, courtesy of the artist
UA Dept. of Art & Art History: Nathan Childers, courtesy of the artist
UA Dept. of Art & Art History: Nathan Childers, courtesy of the artist
UA Dept. of Art & Art History: Dillan Ladner (foreground) with Kat Murray
UA Dept. of Art & Art History: 20230227_090703_Dillan_o
UA Dept. of Art & Art History: 20230227_090753_Nathan1_x
UA Dept. of Art & Art History: 20230227_090826_Nathan_o
UA Dept. of Art & Art History: Zines by Kat Murray
UA Dept. of Art & Art History: Kat Murray, "Cut Off and Closed Out," 2023, oil stick, ink, posca paint pens, sandpaper. Image courtesy of the artist.
UA Dept. of Art & Art History: Kat Murray, courtesy of the artist
UA Dept. of Art & Art History: Nathan Childers with Dillan Ladner in foreground, , courtesy of Kat Murray
UA Dept. of Art & Art History: Kat Murray, courtesy of the artist