UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Fairview Avenue School in Grandview, 1917
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Grandview Grade School Students at Work, 1917
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Miss Boyer's Kindergarten Class, 1917
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Mary Boyer, First School Teacher, Reading to Students, 1917
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Children Playing on Miller Park Playground, 1917
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Edward Baker, Grandview High School, 1918
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Mary Brumelle, Grandview High School, 1918
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Ramona Deakyne, Grandview High School, 1918
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Edwin Hill, Grandview High School, 1918
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Elsie Julian, Grandview High School, 1918
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: William Long, Grandview High School, 1918
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Perry Martter, Grandview High School, 1918
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Gladys Mayle, Grandview High School, 1918
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Elma Rains, Grandview High School, 1918
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Ellis Rogers, Grandview High School, 1918
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Louise Sinclair, Grandview High School, 1918
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Joe Thomas, Grandview High School, 1918
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Martha Wygant, Grandview High School, 1918
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Reception, 1918
UA Archives | Upper Arlington History: 1930 Cambridge Boulevard, Home of King Thompson, 1918