TAM ZO: everybody out! 14 stuck behind the blocked off part of mission, due to explosion danger.
TAM ZO: rather banal looking, but this car smashed open a gas main and the puddle by the front wheel was a danger. entire block was cordoned off.
TAM ZO: helloooo mister fireman!
TAM ZO: 30th and mission, cordoned off by police due to explosion danger. that SUV drove across the street, smashed in a door and busted a gas main open. there was a puddle of gas under the car and police and firefighters all over the street.
TAM ZO: buses backed up down mission.
TAM ZO: hard to see, but there are a couple firefighters kneeling to check the amount of gas spilled, and state of the vehicle
TAM ZO: firefighters checking the situation. street was cleared due to potential for explosion.
TAM ZO: people climb off the bus as mission street gets shut down due to explosion danger from car crash
TAM ZO: 29th and mission, bus empty, police cruisers behind danger tape.
TAM ZO: people looking up the street at all the emergency vehicles headed to the crash scene
TAM ZO: the aftermath, one week later
TAM ZO: 7 days after the accident