MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
Here's looking at you kid.
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
Look a little closer...
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
Eh, why not?
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
If the 20mm was tiny, what the hell is the 14mm then?
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
Did it just get hot in here...?
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
1 + 1 = 3
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
Blurring the line between macs and fractalius
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
softening touch
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
Painting a portrait
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
Ever wonder how to establish your hyperfocal distance?
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
What if work and play could be the same thing...?
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
Bypassing the bleach.
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
another take
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
it's kind of like a date
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
Who said absence makes the heart grow fonder?
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
The Showdown
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
She said white tulips were her favorite.
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
The Eyes Have It!
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
among the laurels
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
criss cross
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
Tapwater music
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
it always feels like....
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
The staredown
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
A near perfect balance.
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
The take.
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
Gettin' FD'd up with the 55 f/1.2 SSC!
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
Why does McCain look so mean? a.k.a. The 5 Minute Greenberg
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):
Surreality a-la NAPP
MisterSqueeze - (tyson robichaud):