Tysasi: A brightly painted office building at the east end of the Burnside Bridge
Tysasi: A trolley is stopped at Albina & Mississippi while about 10 fare inspectors check for valid fares
Tysasi: Three gensets sit in Albina Yard
Tysasi: Sunset from Willamette Blvd
Tysasi: Distant photoretouched Sauvie Island bridge
Tysasi: A grain carrier runs downstream (north) on the Columbia
Tysasi: Bicycles! Bicycles! Bicycles!
Tysasi: End of the line (after putting an inner tube in because the tires burped out enough sealant so they weren't actually holding more than ~30psi)
Tysasi: A southbound wayfreight comes off the railroad bridge as I creep northwards
Tysasi: The Willbridge SW1500 sits on a siding while the Geeps do the switching
Tysasi: Two Geeps switch Willbridge Yard