Tysasi: Maybe randonneuring isn't my thing?
Tysasi: A construction warning sign on Tacoma Blvd
Tysasi: Well, here I am in Newberg, so where's the effing Travellodge?
Tysasi: Moving at 15mph at the start of a brevet? Oh, that's not a good sign
Tysasi: Clear skies, finally
Tysasi: A SP trestle in Amity
Tysasi: A distant SP trestle
Tysasi: The Perrydale traction engine
Tysasi: Crops and distant hills, but these hills are not for climbing
Tysasi: Clouds over an optically flat horizon
Tysasi: I believe that this raptor is a golden eagle, but it didn't stick around to let me positively identify it
Tysasi: A bank of heavier cloudcover creeps in across the Coast Range
Tysasi: A scenic vista from Kings Valley Road
Tysasi: The obligatory covered bridge
Tysasi: Not tasty enough to make up for the headwinds
Tysasi: Blodgett MLCM
Tysasi: Summit Road and the SP, but what you can't see is the stupid headwind
Tysasi: The end of the ride
Tysasi: A southbound Coast Starlight rolls into the Albany station
Tysasi: Two twinkies pull the southbound Coast Starlight
Tysasi: A notable name is on this pullman car
Tysasi: You can dimly see the old Amtrak name (scraped off and replaced with the new wavy flag Amtrak logo)
Tysasi: There goes the Coast Starlight
Tysasi: Only 80 miles as the train flies
Tysasi: A school-spirit logchip car
Tysasi: Two UP locomotives sit at the north end of Albany Yard
Tysasi: Still life with baggage carts and MLCM
Tysasi: Albany Amtrak MLCM