Tysasi: The Sauvie Island bridge
Tysasi: Crossing over the north fork of Scappoose Creek
Tysasi: The old burned-out truck where the CZ haul road crosses the Scappoose-Vernonia Highway
Tysasi: Snow along the side of the road
Tysasi: An ornate bus shelter
Tysasi: Sunny sunny Nehalem divide
Tysasi: More snow on the ground on the west side of the Nehalem divide
Tysasi: Birkenfeld project bike
Tysasi: An interestingly named farm store
Tysasi: A clear and sunny afternoon
Tysasi: Bill, over the shoulder
Tysasi: Three rando bikes (from two different permanents) at the convenience store in Vernonia
Tysasi: We sail past the Vernonia shay
Tysasi: A mossy Banks-Vernonia trail
Tysasi: The half-burned trestle at Tophill
Tysasi: Clouds start to mass as we head east from Banks
Tysasi: Dark clouds overhead, but there is a band of sunlight behind us
Tysasi: A BN(SF) switch engine in the NW Portland yard
Tysasi: A pair of locomotives at the head of a string of cars