Tysasi: PandW_3300_Newberg
Tysasi: PandW_Going_Newberg
Tysasi: W&PCorvallis
Tysasi: PandWTVhighway
Tysasi: PandW3005Milwaukie
Tysasi: ThreeBridgesMeet
Tysasi: WRIX3529
Tysasi: WrenSt
Tysasi: PandW3003
Tysasi: PandW3005
Tysasi: PandW3006
Tysasi: PandW3007
Tysasi: PandW_Newberg
Tysasi: Into the woods
Tysasi: A W&P/P&W freight crosses Milwaukie&Clinton&11th&12th
Tysasi: P&W logger
Tysasi: P&W 3052 at the crossing
Tysasi: P&W 3052
Tysasi: W&P 2036
Tysasi: P&W 3005
Tysasi: W&P 2314 switching
Tysasi: P&W 2314 switching (again)
Tysasi: The CBC fails to get the oncoming train into focus
Tysasi: A P&W SD9 stands near a service truck
Tysasi: A P&W geep waits for the SD9 to be repaired
Tysasi: The headlights of *another* train
Tysasi: One W&P eng, three P&W engs
Tysasi: Graffiti on another hopper car
Tysasi: The W&P/P&W train in the sun
Tysasi: Here comes the train to block the crossing again!