Tian Gan: On-going Project, En Svensk Tiger
Tian Gan: Inked-up Linoleum Block
Tian Gan: Urvädersgränd, Handmade Linocut
Tian Gan: First Print of the Horse Year
Tian Gan: Horse without Name, Handmade Adigraf Print
Tian Gan: Tunnelgatan, Triceraptops Linocut
Tian Gan: New buddy: Mabef Table Easel
Tian Gan: Reeled In, Linocut
Tian Gan: Reeled In, Linocut
Tian Gan: Great horned owl linocut
Tian Gan: S:t Eriksbron, linocut
Tian Gan: S:t Eriksbron, linocut
Tian Gan: Carving and proofing the fox linocut
Tian Gan: Carving and proofing the fox linocut
Tian Gan: Details of the fox print