typoretum: Engraving of an early type Wharfedale Stop Cylinder Press
typoretum: Detail of Wharfedale Stop Cylinder Press
typoretum: Saying goodbye to a faithful friend
typoretum: Lifting the Wharfedale No. 1
typoretum: Lifting the Wharfedale No. 2
typoretum: Detail of lettering on the Wharfedale side casting
typoretum: Awaiting collection - view of the pulley arrangement
typoretum: Awaiting collection - front view of the press
typoretum: Moving an 1888 Wharfedale press into our new letterpress workshop (2)
typoretum: Letterpress printing on an 1888 Wharfedale press – animated GIF
typoretum: Moving an 1888 Wharfedale press into our new letterpress workshop (1)
typoretum: Wood type block test proofing for sample book cover (2nd colour)
typoretum: Printing wood type posters for Pure Evil Gallery (1)
typoretum: Justin Knopp printing on a late-19th century Wharfedale press
typoretum: The printing forme on our late-19th century Wharfedale press