Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: Simon Daniels of Microsoft Typography takes a ride.
Typegirl: Simon Daniels of Microsoft Typography takes a ride.
Typegirl: Simon Daniels of Microsoft Typography takes a ride.
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: Jimmy G and Sami
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: Ben in extreme close-up
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: ATypI 2005
Typegirl: Wacky posh plates with utiliatarian glass holder.
Typegirl: Wacky posh plates with utiliatarian glass holder.
Typegirl: Patrick demonstrates the Wacky posh plates with utiliatarian glass holder.