(Kerry Ball): old pola 22.
(Kerry Ball): old pola 19.
(Kerry Ball): old pola 16.
(Kerry Ball): old pola 15.
(Kerry Ball): old pola 14.
(Kerry Ball): old pola 13.
(Kerry Ball): old pola 3.
(Kerry Ball): old pola 2.
(Kerry Ball): old pola 1.
(Kerry Ball): me and my grandma nonie.
(Kerry Ball): in burano.
(Kerry Ball): in venice, close up.
(Kerry Ball): in venice.
(Kerry Ball): at the palace in florence.
(Kerry Ball): at the palace in florence.
(Kerry Ball): day seventythree.
(Kerry Ball): day seventytwo.
(Kerry Ball): day seventyone.
(Kerry Ball): day seventy.
(Kerry Ball): this is the face of someone who hates where she is.
(Kerry Ball): day sixtynine.
(Kerry Ball): day sixtyeight.
(Kerry Ball): polaroid 3. / day sixtyseven.
(Kerry Ball): polaroid 2.
(Kerry Ball): day sixtysix. traces of you.
(Kerry Ball): catalina and i.
(Kerry Ball): day sixtyfive.
(Kerry Ball): day sixtyfour.
(Kerry Ball): day sixtythree.
(Kerry Ball): day sixty.