Tylfe: Long time , no see
Tylfe: Off the beaten path
Tylfe: Retired
Tylfe: Sheltered
Tylfe: Alone with the setting sun
Tylfe: In one door....out the other
Tylfe: Tennessee Log Cabin
Tylfe: Don't fence me in !
Tylfe: Split rail weave
Tylfe: Preparing for winter
Tylfe: Trimmed
Tylfe: Cheery Chevy
Tylfe: Just hangin' out
Tylfe: Leaky roof
Tylfe: Old Vendor
Tylfe: Used bike for sale :)
Tylfe: Out of gas
Tylfe: Pedals
Tylfe: Gnarly
Tylfe: Old pump house
Tylfe: What's behind door # 1 ?
Tylfe: The missing link ?
Tylfe: Trusting
Tylfe: Ready for duty
Tylfe: For Rent :)
Tylfe: A step in time
Tylfe: Prayer: the key of the day and the lock of the night
Tylfe: Blacksmithing... Heat it…Draw it out… Upset it…Twist it…Drift it… Punch it…Weld it…File it… Blend it...Fuller it…Swage it… That's about all there is to it!
Tylfe: “When you have come to the edge Of all light that you know And are about to drop off into the darkness Of the unknown, Faith is knowing One of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or You will be taught to fly”