♥ Tyler: I could see for miles, miles, miles.
♥ Tyler: I miss the city
♥ Tyler: Looking, learning, asking the same 'why?', pt. 1
♥ Tyler: you may tire of me.
♥ Tyler: reaching way beyond the rafters.
♥ Tyler: I miss you all the time
♥ Tyler: Oh my Jetsabel, look at this hell that I have made. If you want maybe drop by sometime
♥ Tyler: Yeah, they fit together like a puzzle
♥ Tyler: That crucial filament is all but spent
♥ Tyler: Yeah, it's a gravity attack
♥ Tyler: we'll sleep out in the garden.
♥ Tyler: Well, winter is going to end and I'm going to clean these veins again.
♥ Tyler: So close to dying that I finally can start living.
♥ Tyler: "Sleep on the shoulder keep the stars all to ourselves."
♥ Tyler: "So look see the sights, the endless summer nights."
♥ Tyler: "I dreamt of a fever..."
♥ Tyler: 7/365 - Chickens in Snow!