TylerYoga: standing in history
TylerYoga: with history
TylerYoga: walking through
TylerYoga: within history
TylerYoga: young monks
TylerYoga: around
TylerYoga: young monks walking
TylerYoga: budding monks
TylerYoga: young spirits
TylerYoga: child monks
TylerYoga: we three
TylerYoga: leaving
TylerYoga: the green green grass
TylerYoga: shadows of history
TylerYoga: come in
TylerYoga: "pssst... hi"
TylerYoga: how's my phone's reception?
TylerYoga: blue
TylerYoga: rawr
TylerYoga: temple structures
TylerYoga: temple structures
TylerYoga: temple structures
TylerYoga: along the path
TylerYoga: white umbrella
TylerYoga: white umbrella
TylerYoga: cow my shadow
TylerYoga: reclining Buddha face - can you see him?
TylerYoga: gnarly roots
TylerYoga: nature here
TylerYoga: more roots