TylerYoga: a kite snagged on Kite Day, 2006~
TylerYoga: Indian's like their moustaches
TylerYoga: layin' around with kids
TylerYoga: The fam
TylerYoga: mama & bebe goat
TylerYoga: Tyler and the Baby goat
TylerYoga: baby boy and baby goat
TylerYoga: kids on the street
TylerYoga: Tyler and the kids who follow you everywhere you go
TylerYoga: family
TylerYoga: check yo' flaps
TylerYoga: ...gentlemen
TylerYoga: man and rocks
TylerYoga: a street shave
TylerYoga: an old Haveli in the Shekawati region
TylerYoga: inside the Haveli
TylerYoga: inside the Haveli
TylerYoga: coco-husks and Hindu gods
TylerYoga: typical abandoned neighborhood in old Shekawati
TylerYoga: the kids the kids the kids!
TylerYoga: ...love the camera
TylerYoga: young girl
TylerYoga: hi kids-
TylerYoga: boy~
TylerYoga: more kids now ~
TylerYoga: .. as I spoke to the Father, no less than 23 kids gathered around the door watching
TylerYoga: look, a camera
TylerYoga: poor, horny camel...