Bricksky: Friends Ammunitions Reloading Bay
Bricksky: Friends PowerSuit operator carefully positions Zamor Ball for reloading onto Fighters' Bionicle Launcher
Bricksky: Friends White PowerSuit - Showing off the suits' power generation system
Bricksky: Friends Powersuit operator carefully picks up Zamor Ball and is preparing to load it onto the next available Friends Fighter
Bricksky: Friends Yellow PowerSuit
Bricksky: Friends Powersuit Operator keeping an eye on Lava Serpent
Bricksky: Friends Defensive Operations
Bricksky: Friends Fighter Conveyor Belt
Bricksky: Friends Fighter - Patiently waiting for a single Zamor Ball
Bricksky: Frieds Fighter waiting for 2 Zamor Balls
Bricksky: Friends Fighter being reloaded with Zamor Balls
Bricksky: Friends Fighter with full Ammo load patiently waiting to get back into the action
Bricksky: Lava Serpent - On the lookout for unattended Zamor Balls
Bricksky: Friends Lava Serpent assessing his options for acquiring a Zamor Ball for his next meal.
Bricksky: Friends Red PowerSuit - These suits are nimble, efficient, powerful and FUN!
Bricksky: Friends Red Powersuit - Showing off the Power Generation System
Bricksky: Friends Hover Crane - Cockpit of crane located an the Starboard side to allow easy control and unobstructed sight lines for the pilot
Bricksky: Friends Hover Crane unloading a fresh shipment of Zamor balls
Bricksky: Friends Close Up of Hover Crane's Lift Jets
Bricksky: Friends Hover Crane carefully unloading extra Zamor balls onto short term storage bin.
Bricksky: Friends Zamor Ball Short Term Storage Box
Bricksky: Friends Yellow PowerSuit
Bricksky: Friends White PowerSuit
Bricksky: BrickCon 2013 AWARD - Medium Planetary Structure