T Sharp: Discarded Prayers
T Sharp: Sadhu Sadhu
T Sharp: Boudhanath
T Sharp: Fountain of Fortune
T Sharp: Horn Armory
T Sharp: He painted my face
T Sharp: Stoking the fires
T Sharp: Pastel Third Eye
T Sharp: Stupa Sentry
T Sharp: Stupa Aviana
T Sharp: Incense Pyre
T Sharp: Local Monkey
T Sharp: Top of the "Monkey Temple"
T Sharp: Brady & Sadhus
T Sharp: 365 Steps to the Stupa
T Sharp: Party Palace
T Sharp: Friendly Children
T Sharp: Observing the Ghats
T Sharp: GQ Sadu
T Sharp: Basket o' chickens
T Sharp: Fresh Flowers
T Sharp: As the soul leaves
T Sharp: Downtown Kathmandu
T Sharp: Ancient Stupa
T Sharp: Ornate Paint
T Sharp: Fires of Fortune
T Sharp: Small Shrine
T Sharp: The Burning Ghats
T Sharp: Funeral Remnants