TylerRayne: "A scene of daily life on the canals of Amsterdam."
TylerRayne: A depression year corn-stalk withered by drought.
TylerRayne: A map of Australia.
TylerRayne: A map of North America.
TylerRayne: Caribou.
TylerRayne: CFCs were once used in most air conditioners.
TylerRayne: Coyote tracks
TylerRayne: Cracked Earth
TylerRayne: Dried cracked mud
TylerRayne: Drought in Australia.
TylerRayne: Glacier along water with mountains.
TylerRayne: Greenhouse effect.
TylerRayne: Icebergs.
TylerRayne: Mud patterns
TylerRayne: Ozone layer blocks ultraviolet rays.
TylerRayne: Ozone layer, CFCs rising.
TylerRayne: Ozone layer, location in atmosphere of.
TylerRayne: Ozone molecule being split apart by free chlorine atom from CFC molecule.
TylerRayne: Ozone pollution, leaf damaged by (1).
TylerRayne: Ozone pollution, leaf damaged by (2).
TylerRayne: Ozone pollution, leaf damaged by (3).
TylerRayne: Ozone pollution, leaf damaged by (4).
TylerRayne: Ozone pollution, newspaper headlines about.
TylerRayne: Polar Bear on ice.
TylerRayne: Venice, Italy.
TylerRayne: Windmills in Kinderdijk, in the Netherlands.