goingslowly: Alex Mapping & Driving
goingslowly: Alex Driving
goingslowly: Alex Climbing Weird Formation
goingslowly: "Shortcut" Road in Montana
goingslowly: Dusk Driving in Montana
goingslowly: Tyler & Alex
goingslowly: 2012 Ford Focus Post Deer Strike
goingslowly: Loading Ford Focus on Flatbed
goingslowly: Ford Focus on Flatbed
goingslowly: Camping in Cut Bank, Montana
goingslowly: Tyler & Alex's Snacks
goingslowly: Tent Puking Gear
goingslowly: Alex, the Serious Hiker
goingslowly: Trail to Grinnell Glacier
goingslowly: Bear Grass
goingslowly: Alex on the Trail to Grinnell Glacier
goingslowly: Alex Resting by a Waterfall
goingslowly: Barefoot Hiking in Glacier National Park
goingslowly: Showy Daisy in Glacier National Park
goingslowly: DSC_3792
goingslowly: DSC_3796
goingslowly: Columbian Ground Squirrel Eating an Apple Bit
goingslowly: Columbian Ground Squirrel Eating an Apple Bit
goingslowly: Sign for Grinnell Glacier
goingslowly: Alex Sliding on Snow
goingslowly: Tyler in Glacier National Park