tyle_r: New route
tyle_r: Tree tops over the lake
tyle_r: Tower Panorama
tyle_r: Tree Panorama
tyle_r: Window
tyle_r: Window B/W
tyle_r: Old window, eclipsed by morning sun
tyle_r: Snake photoshoot
tyle_r: Tongue out
tyle_r: Eying the camera
tyle_r: Coiled
tyle_r: No parking
tyle_r: Snake charmer
tyle_r: Senior portrait by the garage door
tyle_r: Sunglasses
tyle_r: Squinty
tyle_r: Flooded driveway
tyle_r: At Buckhorns
tyle_r: Senior picture for Kim
tyle_r: Up a hill
tyle_r: Driving Range
tyle_r: Left, Right
tyle_r: Tunnel of Trees
tyle_r: Vined Rock Wall
tyle_r: Driving Range
tyle_r: Left, Right
tyle_r: Tunnel of Trees
tyle_r: Squirt not having it
tyle_r: Rainbow on wood
tyle_r: Tillie in her bin