tyle_r: All about the beer
tyle_r: Round
tyle_r: Tiger Paws in the making
tyle_r: Into the oil
tyle_r: Assembly Line
tyle_r: Kim's Tiger Paw
tyle_r: First bite
tyle_r: Cinnamon and sugar
tyle_r: Blood sugar spike
tyle_r: My first bite
tyle_r: Cinnamon and Sugar Coated Fujifilm X-100F
tyle_r: Turning skewers
tyle_r: Filipino Chicken
tyle_r: Photo of blurry butterfly fries
tyle_r: Butterfly fries out of the fryer
tyle_r: Cheesecurds
tyle_r: "Real" Cream Puffs
tyle_r: Biker grandpa