txwhitacre - I think I'm back :): Electric Cadillacs explores #15
txwhitacre - I think I'm back :): Pelicans and cormorants
txwhitacre - I think I'm back :): The Princess on her throne
txwhitacre - I think I'm back :): Fall Day in atchfalaya
txwhitacre - I think I'm back :): Late Summer Life - explored #14
txwhitacre - I think I'm back :): Fishing in North Texas during Harvey
txwhitacre - I think I'm back :): Finn kayaking in North Texas during Harvey
txwhitacre - I think I'm back :): Morning at Nature Center - Explored #13
txwhitacre - I think I'm back :): Morning on the prowl
txwhitacre - I think I'm back :): I want a sweaty hanker!
txwhitacre - I think I'm back :): The end of a evening in the gardens