txsharp: Day 1: It's only appropriate that Norelle is the star of the first photo
txsharp: Day 2: Couldn't decide between two pictures but I guess one of my team looking cute will always win
txsharp: Day 3: Packing Christmas away for another year
txsharp: Day 4: The way things are looking this could be my view for 15 hours a week!
txsharp: Day 5: Preparing for the next generations attempt at the family language
txsharp: Day 6: A little saunter along the seafront into town. It's always summer in the south
txsharp: Day 7: Taking time out in the park with the team
txsharp: Day 8: The hardships of shopping get a bit too much for Norelle
txsharp: Day 9: The scariest creatures seem to climb out of a chitting potato...
txsharp: Day 10: Trying my best not to make my photostream an homage to Norelle. Sometimes its just too difficult
txsharp: Day 11: How we celebrate in this household, Moroccan stew and a bit of Pinot
txsharp: Day 12: Norelle doing her finest Alfred Hitchcock impression
txsharp: Day 13: The other princess in our house
txsharp: Day 14: A letter we received from some old travel friends from Korea telling us about their wedding
txsharp: Day 15: Getting 'artsy fartsy' on Madeira Drive.
txsharp: Day 16: New year resolution 6. Due to my interest with Uganda this is the book I've chosen to read in 2012. Got 'til Dec 31
txsharp: Day 17: Saw this and thought of @ellissharp
txsharp: Day 18: Norelle enjoys few things quite as much as just looking at herself in the mirror
txsharp: Day 19: Last chance for a late afternoon stroll through the park with the team for a while
txsharp: Day 20: Lunching it up with my team
txsharp: Day 21: OJ leaves evidence of a previous walk along Hove promenade
txsharp: Day 22: Norelle watches on the #arsenal game in total awe
txsharp: Day 23: A hard day at work, yet I still pull off a fine homemade pea soup
txsharp: Day 24: Ambrose expresses a distinct lack of interest in Norelle's attempts at sparring
txsharp: Day 25: The new commute into work
txsharp: Day 26: The commute gets even shorter as Norelle's nursery doubles up as an office
txsharp: Day 27: A first attempt at one of my new recipes ~ 'Daddy's Saag Curry' #Delicious
txsharp: Day 28: Norelle happily takes on her first attempts at eating like mummy and daddy
txsharp: Day 29: Had no idea this big lump of rock that was so significant to my early football days was here. The Goldstone
txsharp: Day 30: It would be impossible to do a #365 in Brighton and not include a picture like this