twymer: Tui Lodge panorama
twymer: Surly in Tui back yard
twymer: Lewis ready to roll
twymer: Chris all packed up
twymer: Lewis' bike
twymer: Lewis' bike
twymer: Lewis' custom made saddle bag
twymer: Lewis' custom made saddle bag
twymer: Lewis' custom made saddle bag
twymer: Chris' bike getting loaded up
twymer: Chris' bike
twymer: Lewis admiring our destruction
twymer: Carnage
twymer: Lewis
twymer: Dinner we caught and cooked
twymer: The other part of dinner
twymer: The Tui Lodge crew
twymer: Quentin is cooking our catches
twymer: Sunset
twymer: Sunset
twymer: Sunset
twymer: Sunset
twymer: Sunset
twymer: Sunset
twymer: Sunset
twymer: Sunset
twymer: The Tui Lodge crew
twymer: Three cooks
twymer: Dinner
twymer: Learning to filet a fish