twodogs4us: Dress of Crown Royal sacks.
twodogs4us: Checking in!
twodogs4us: Our room, with reflections of me
twodogs4us: View from our room
twodogs4us: Infinity pool @ Trump
twodogs4us: jumble
twodogs4us: Waiting to ride
twodogs4us: Something about surfboards
twodogs4us: I liked the sunlight through the spray.
twodogs4us: For my parent's anniversary.
twodogs4us: Rodney's morning.
twodogs4us: Our hotel
twodogs4us: Trying out my 14x
twodogs4us: Fire pit
twodogs4us: Lessons?
twodogs4us: Mary on Waikiki
twodogs4us: In front of the Hilton
twodogs4us: Beers @ The Yard House
twodogs4us: @ the Cheesecake Factory
twodogs4us: USS Bowfin
twodogs4us: Man the guns
twodogs4us: take a look
twodogs4us: In the Bowfin's sights
twodogs4us: Man the torpedos!
twodogs4us: On the USS Bowfin sub
twodogs4us: On the USS Bowfin sub
twodogs4us: On the USS Bowfin sub
twodogs4us: On the USS Bowfin sub
twodogs4us: On the USS Bowfin sub