Twmpyn: Wall of the Blue Heeler Pub, Kynuna
Twmpyn: Mitchell Glass
Twmpyn: Mitchell Glass 2
Twmpyn: Mt Isa at night
Twmpyn: Hard Times mine at night
Twmpyn: Mount Isa at night 2
Twmpyn: Powering the mine
Twmpyn: Rust- Abandonded Car
Twmpyn: Little Lizard
Twmpyn: Tree and rock
Twmpyn: From the rock
Twmpyn: Kings of the quartz
Twmpyn: Rocks- the motherlode
Twmpyn: Rocks
Twmpyn: Rocks - the channel
Twmpyn: Bushscape
Twmpyn: Rocks- to climb and explore
Twmpyn: Lizard rock
Twmpyn: The shape of things out here
Twmpyn: Anthill dude