North East Museums: The base of the shell is centred
North East Museums: Ripping the nose end
North East Museums: Rough turning the shell body
North East Museums: Boring the shell cavity
North East Museums: Rough facing
North East Museums: Boring the nose end of the shell
North East Museums: Finish turning the shell
North East Museums: Drilling and tapping nose end
North East Museums: Facing centre of the shell
North East Museums: Creating groove undercut and wavy serrations
North East Museums: Polishing inside for inspection
North East Museums: Pressing the copper band on the shell
North East Museums: Turning the copper band
North East Museums: Boring to fit the disc
North East Museums: Blending the nose end
North East Museums: Riveting of the base plate
North East Museums: Filing weight off the radius
North East Museums: Machining heads
North East Museums: Machining the base plates