Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): 334:365 - Santa Claus is coming to town
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): 335:365 THE REASON FOR THE SEASON
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): 336:365 - Dreaming of a vintage Christmas
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): 337:365 - Can you still hear the bells?????
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): 338:365 ornaments, now it is time to put up the tree
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): 340:365 - first ornament on the tree...or maybe i should say in the tree.
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): 341:365 - Clayton State's Christmas Tree
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): 343:365 not as spectacular as Vegas but still a pretty tree
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): santa's little helper - latte
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): 346:365 paper snowflake - love creative folks
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): 347:365 candle light and Christmas music...what more could I ask for???
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): 348:365 - Taylor 2010 Smore Angel
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): 349:365 - decorated tree finally
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): 352:365 - let the wrapping begin...
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): 354:365 - 2010 Baking Day
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): 355: 365 - the ornament and me...couldn't resist
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): save me...oh no...save me...
Tammy Wilson (T.Wilson Photography): Oh to be a child again.