Tom Wilberding:
Barb at the Mt. Goliath Nature Center, about 12,000 feet elevation
Tom Wilberding:
Rocky Mountain Bristlecone Pines, Mt. Goliath, Colorado
Tom Wilberding:
Bristlecone pine female cone with bristles, Mt. Goliath, CO
Tom Wilberding:
Bristlecone pinecones and needles, Mt. Goliath, CO
Tom Wilberding:
Two female pinecones from a bristlecone pine, the brown one mature the purple one young
Tom Wilberding:
Bristlecone pines, Mt. Goliath, Colorado
Tom Wilberding:
Golden Aster, heterothecca fulcrata
Tom Wilberding:
Alpine Buckwheat
Tom Wilberding:
Mt. Goliath slope, 12,000 feet, alpine tundra, the land above the trees.
Tom Wilberding:
Colorado Tansy Aster
Tom Wilberding:
Mountain Harebell
Tom Wilberding:
Mountain Thistle
Tom Wilberding:
American bistort, buckwheat family
Tom Wilberding:
Rocky Mountain Parnassian or Apollo butterfly
Tom Wilberding:
Y.P. Marmot, Esq. and his wife, at Mt. Goliath, Colorado
Tom Wilberding:
Yellow-bellied Marmot, Mt. Goliath, Colorado