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First glance at West side of Mount Elbruz, 5642m
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Real Yak in Caucasus Mountains
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West side of Mount Elbruz, 5642m
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the group pausing in front the West side of Mount Elbruz, 5642m
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West side of Mount Elbruz, 5642m
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Young foal, not yet weaned, along with its mother
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White mountain flowers - Céraiste Alpin ?
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Young foal not yet weaned
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Campanules from Caucasus
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A carpet of Caucasian Mountain Flowers
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Yellow mountain flowers
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Yellow Mountain Flowers as aiming to Koltsovoï Peak, 3350 m
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Aiming to Koltsovoï Peak, 3350 m, for our acclimation trek
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West side of Mount Elbruz, 5642m
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the other mountains ... facing West side of Mount Elbruz
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West side of Mount Elbruz, 5642m (in Explore 2014-03-11)
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in front of West side of Mount Elbruz, 5642m
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Altitude Lake
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Pink Mountain flowers
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Chardon / Thistle
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Time for Vaccination: Black Sheeps & White Goats
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Second day of acclimatization
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Pink Mountain flower
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Chardon / Thistle
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Tête de Taureau ~ Bull Head
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Gentianes Bleues ~ Blue Gentians
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Alexey in his mountains ~ Alexey Shustrov, NewRoute leader
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Gentiane Bleue ~ Blue Gentian
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Rodents hunting