tweston: La Recoleta Cemetery
tweston: Le Recoleta Cemetery and Sky
tweston: Inside Nuestra Señora del Pilar Church
tweston: A beautiful and creepy statue in the cemetery
tweston: Inca pottery at the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
tweston: Avenida 9 de Julio and Obelisk
tweston: Puente de la Mujer by Santiago Calatrava
tweston: La Casa Rosada
tweston: DSC_4846
tweston: DSC_4867
tweston: La Boca
tweston: DSC_4881
tweston: DSC_5492
tweston: Downtown Cafayate
tweston: Salta street
tweston: DSC_6141
tweston: DSC_6438
tweston: Tasty treats on our way to Purmamarca
tweston: DSC_6769
tweston: DSC_6827
tweston: Overlooking Purmamarca
tweston: Hills of the Seven Colors
tweston: Purmamarca town square.
tweston: DSC_7250
tweston: DSC_7310