tweston: Spicey Chutneys from the Jackson Dinner
tweston: Taj Mahal a large tasty Indian beer
tweston: A Dosa fit for a king
tweston: The Spread
tweston: Weehawken riverside walkway covered in snow.
tweston: Alabaster and her favorite toy, a plastic bag
tweston: Emily brushing Miss Grumpy Pants
tweston: Alabaster walking in the light.
tweston: Peter Jennings posed to attack
tweston: Alabaster eating teeth cleaning treats.
tweston: Top of the Brooklyn Museum
tweston: Emily, Catherine, and Jon exploring the museum's surroundings.
tweston: One of the statues near the museum's entrance.
tweston: Statue: Up close and personal
tweston: Emily and Catherine remake Abbey Road.
tweston: Brooklyn Museum's visible storage.
tweston: Statue in the storage.
tweston: Statue Take II
tweston: Crazy man under glass.
tweston: Calder? Calder inspired?
tweston: Interesting chair in storage.
tweston: Another statue in Storage.
tweston: Silverware in storage. Practical?
tweston: Bust of choice, choose wisely.
tweston: Visible Storage Sign.
tweston: Catherine as visible storage.
tweston: Jon and Emily at the Egyptian exhibit.
tweston: [Edited] Jon and Emily at the Egyptian exhibit.
tweston: Egyptian statue that was raided for the eyes.
tweston: Egyptian exhibit's ceiling.