tweston: Peter Jennings the star.
tweston: DSC_0775
tweston: The Friday after work crash.
tweston: Jon and Mike
tweston: Most photogenic dude Brad knows
tweston: DSC_0792
tweston: Catherine joins us for dinner.
tweston: J+E+L+Calder=happiness
tweston: Brooklyn Bridge
tweston: SAKE!!!
tweston: SAKE SAMURAI!!!
tweston: DSC_0817
tweston: DSC_0821
tweston: DSC_0816
tweston: Camera Obscura
tweston: Camera Obscura
tweston: Laura + Emily + Camera Oscura
tweston: DSC_0853
tweston: South Street Seaport
tweston: DSC_0872
tweston: DSC_0873
tweston: 99c Pizza
tweston: Postal Police?
tweston: DSC_0885
tweston: DSC_0887
tweston: DSC_0896
tweston: DSC_0900
tweston: Playing dead, with eyes wide open.
tweston: DSC_0903
tweston: DSC_0934