kelihoskins: through her eyes
kelihoskins: momma toes
kelihoskins: grass crawler
kelihoskins: prison for vacuum cleaner wire chewers
kelihoskins: cheerios
kelihoskins: happy 1st birthday, baby girl!!!
kelihoskins: caaaaaake!!!
kelihoskins: poke, poke
kelihoskins: mmmm, dirt
kelihoskins: on daddy's shoulders
kelihoskins: lord have mercy
kelihoskins: laughing at big sis
kelihoskins: sick on her birthday
kelihoskins: boing.
kelihoskins: i eat these toes with a side of chubby thigh rolls
kelihoskins: my girls
kelihoskins: watching emma scoot
kelihoskins: peek-a-boo
kelihoskins: merry christmas!
kelihoskins: peek-a-boo
kelihoskins: bye, mom!
kelihoskins: together
kelihoskins: sisters