Ron Diorio: Self portrait
Luis Fornero: Kodak autographic No.3, duct tape, plastic pipe, ilford h5 plus
joshuacolephoto: The Red Lion Floods
Jayson Edward Carter: Scanning in Three Dimensions: Sam
Maia pace: Ruby, revival.
joshuacolephoto: Middle of the Road
joshuacolephoto: Habitus x Hablando a Solas
StroudEdd: Sophia New camera
joshuacolephoto: R x R 1/2
cordeliaodriscoll: double exposure
joshuacolephoto: Self Potrait
WaleedAhmed: Keep breaking your heart, until it opens.
Tamara Tantrum: IMG_1657
lister96: Ebony/Ivory
Noa Ka: Tamara
nattu: Still dammn fast.. reduce speed.
Catch-light: 190/366-- Under The Sea (xplored)
Catch-light: 176/366 --Its like This----Teaching a peace Sign (xplored)
Catch-light: Dec 29th--363/365------My Salute To India ------(explored)
Catch-light: 328/366--The New Mini Lucky Charms
*Hairbear: Looking across the gorge