TW Collins: Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell - Shakespeare
TW Collins: We are never like angels till our passion dies - Thomas Decker
TW Collins: Art Nouveau
TW Collins: Sweet souls around us watch us still - Harriet Beecher Stowe
TW Collins: shelf fungi
TW Collins: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread - Pope
TW Collins: In Through the "Out" Door
TW Collins: White wing'd angels meet the child On the vestibule of life - Mrs. E Oaks Smith
TW Collins: Forever Blue
TW Collins: Seashell Angel
TW Collins: Under the Star Shaped Tree
TW Collins: never again to see the sky...
TW Collins: Grace
TW Collins: Little Angel
TW Collins: For Thee
TW Collins: Allured to brighter worlds and led the way
TW Collins: Mother Earth Blues
TW Collins: to brighter worlds...
TW Collins: Heirs Together Of The Grace Of Life
TW Collins: ...God as a Little Child...
TW Collins: Jones' Cross
TW Collins: Jesus of Savannah
TW Collins: Mercer
TW Collins: Corinne