TW Collins: Y Chromosome
TW Collins: Dískos
TW Collins: Trouble at the Trailer Park
TW Collins: Rooms 14 and 15
TW Collins: Prince Valiant and His Court
TW Collins: Birds of a Feather
TW Collins: Vacancy
TW Collins: Define "Regular"
TW Collins: Jet-smooth Ride
TW Collins: Have a Day
TW Collins: Nothing Rhymes with "Orange"
TW Collins: Palmetto Bug
TW Collins: 94.9¢
TW Collins: They met at Woodstock, and their love lasted a lifetime
TW Collins: Martha Stewart
TW Collins: Ecclesiastes 3:1
TW Collins: 1953 Buick Sylark Convertible | En route to Colorado
TW Collins: Tell me one more time why you went away...
TW Collins: Fly Away, Kentucky Blue Bird
TW Collins: I lost my girl to the Rolling Stones...
TW Collins: "Utopian Turtletop", "Pastelogram", "Turcotinga", "Mongoose Civique" :or: "Edsel"
TW Collins: No pool. No phone. No Pets.
TW Collins: the same kind of bad as me
TW Collins: Pullin' out of the last chance Texaco
TW Collins: You'll see me roll down this blue highway
TW Collins: nobody's fault but mine
TW Collins: i'm not there
TW Collins: Swing low, sweet Cadillac
TW Collins: "It's very ugly' I said generously. 'But it looks as though it would laugh at snow. And, if you hit a deer it would hiccup, and keep going."
TW Collins: closure