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2014 Jan Hong Kong by TW Jaw
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TW Jaw
Colourful old man street performer singing, Soho Central Hong Kong IMG_0261
TW Jaw
Wall of air-conditioner condensers, Soho Central Hong Kong IMG_0275
TW Jaw
Corridor for pedestrain beside a building construction site, Central Hong Kong IMG_0284
TW Jaw
Posters at a stall on Pottinger Street, Central Hong Kong IMG_0297
TW Jaw
Pink sporty shoe, Soho Mid-level Hong Kong IMG_0312
TW Jaw
Barbwire fence at Shelley Street, Soho Central Hong Kong IMG_0319
TW Jaw
IFC peeking through high rise buildings from Peel Street, Soho Central Hong Kong IMG_0328
TW Jaw
Incense coil burning at a temple at Peel Street, Soho Central Hong Kong IMG_0344
TW Jaw
An old building at the junction of Peel Street and Hollywood Road, Central Hong Kong IMG_0351
TW Jaw
Chinese army statues at a stall at Pottinger Street, Central Hong Kong IMG_0274a