tv writer: (11/12) This is Brady's pleading face
tv writer: (12/12) Holiday Helper Duncan
tv writer: 11/12 Duncan in B&W
tv writer: 10/12 sweet brady
tv writer: 9/12 Brady's (white) shadow
tv writer: (8/12) A rare moment of quiet for Brady
tv writer: (8/12) Duncan's new dog bed
tv writer: (7/12) double dose of duncan
tv writer: (6/12 Duncan) color-coordinated Golden
tv writer: (5/12 Brady) happy
tv writer: (5/12 Duncan) pensive pup
tv writer: (2/12) Tolerant Brady
tv writer: (2/12) Noble Duncan
tv writer: (1/12) Brady - right before the storm
tv writer: (1/12) Duncan HFF